In a historic victory for civil resistance and solidarity, Judge Silas Reid, who has sent people to prison just for uttering the words “climate change” and “fuel poverty” in his courtroom, has been forced into an embarrassing climb-down. [1][2]
When Trudi Warner, a 68-year old retired social worker, held up a sign outside Inner London Crown Court, setting out the centuries-old principle that juries can find people not guilty as a matter of conscience, Judge Reid had her arrested, accusing her of contempt of court. Trudi was then summoned to appear at the Old Bailey (where the same message is displayed on a marble plaque by the original court entrance). Her case is currently being reviewed by the Attorney General. When 3 others followed, Judge Reid did the same thing. [3][4].
So when twenty-four people yesterday (a mix of legal and health professionals, a priest, a retired Detective Sergeant, Quakers and others) held up the same sign outside the same court, the expectation was that they would be arrested too. The group sent Judge Reid a letter explaining their solidarity action, so that there could be no doubt that he was aware of it. But they were not arrested, nor even spoken to or asked to leave. [5][6]
Today, Tuesday, sixteen members of the group returned and again, sent Judge Reid an update to the letter:
“ … if you considered that Trudi Warner’s protest was an interference with the course of justice, then how much greater the interference when multiplied 24 times. From that perspective, it was surely your duty to intervene.”
But again, no-one was arrested. No-one was asked to move. No-one was asked to remove their signs. It is clear that Judge Reid has backed down, fatally compromising any attempt to prosecute Trudi Warner.
Tim Crosland, the former Government lawyer, who was one of the sign-holders, said:
“The growing levels of oppression in this country were exposed during the coronation. People were bundled into police vans just for quietly and peacefully expressing their point of view.
In these dark times, it’s good to be reminded that when people come together, in nonviolent resistance and solidarity, we have the combined strength to face down the abuse of power in general and the excesses of Judge Reid in particular.”
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Notes to Editors
[1] David Nixon jailed:
[2] Amy Pritchard and Giovanna Lewis jailed:
[3] Trudi Warner arrested:
[4] Cathy Eastburn, Sally Davidson and Oliver Rock arrested:
[5] Press Release Monday 15th May Inner London Crown Court:
[6] Letter notifying Judge Reid 15th May: