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“History will vindicate the people putting their liberty on the line to try to stop the collapse of our life support systems.
Please help to fund this courageous movement.” – George Monbiot, Author & Columnist
Help Support the Insulate Britain Campaign
We need the government to insulate Britain’s homes to save thousands of lives and prevent economic and social collapse. Each year in the UK, hundreds of thousands of families are forced to choose between heating or eating, cold children or hungry children, and many 1000s die because they are too cold. Insulating the homes of Britain will save lives and provide warm homes while pound for pound making the most effective contribution to reducing carbon and providing meaningful jobs. Insulating Britain is the levelling up agenda writ large.
Sir David King (the former Chief Scientist) has stated in 2021 that “what we do in the next 3 to 4 years will impact the future of humanity”.
The enormity of this statement takes some time to sink in – everything we value is at risk, schools, hospitals, law and order, ultimately all that we love.
National Zoom Meeting
Join the Insulate Britain Campaign to force the government to insulate Britain’s leaky homes starting with social housing.
Register in advance for this meeting here.
How Can I Help?
Come and join one of our zoom workshops where we discuss together what Our Responsibilities are in 2022 and find out more about how you can get involved. Register in advance for this meeting here.
1) That the UK government immediately promises to fully fund and take responsibility for the insulation of all social housing in Britain by 2025.
2) That the UK government immediately promises to produce within four months a legally binding national plan to fully fund and take responsibility for the full low-energy and low-carbon whole-house retrofit , with no externalised costs, of all homes in Britain by 2030 as part of a just transition to full decarbonisation of all parts of society and the economy.
Humanity is at a pivotal crossroads: accelerated human-caused global heating is threatening to destroy human civilisation unless urgent action is taken to rapidly reduce our greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). The science is not disputed and now is the time to act. Improving the quality of our homes is fundamental to achieve the British Government’s climate change, fuel poverty and water reduction targets. Furthermore, as the host of the global climate conference (COP26) in Glasgow in November 2021, the UK can take a strong leadership role by demonstrating real action.
The UK has some 29 million homes and they are the oldest and least energy efficient housing stock in Europe.
Every year vast amounts of precious energy are wasted in heating and, increasingly, cooling our buildings. In order to meet UK commitments under the Paris Agreement to stay below 1.5C, and legal obligations under the Climate Change Act 2008, as amended in 2019, emissions from heating and powering homes must be reduced by 78% in less than 15 years and then to zero by 2050.
Nearly 15% of the UK’s total emissions comes from heating homes: an overhaul of the energy performance of the UK’s housing stock is needed to reduce the energy demand.
Retrofitting Shortfall
The UK needs a nation-wide programme to upgrade almost every house. The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) 2018 report, Scaling Up Retro fit 2050, advises that nearly every home in the UK needs to be upgraded with energy efficiency measures.
That is 1.5 homes per minute to the year 2050. Currently, the UK Government does not have a robust long-term national strategy with a funding mechanism in place to retrofit our homes. Please see more in depth technical summary here.

The science is clear. We are facing an unprecedented
emergency that will destroy this country. We must act now.
“This is an emergency and for emergency situations we need emergency action.”
Ban Ki-Moon, Former UN Secretary-General
“The climate emergency is our third world war.
Our lives and civilization as we know it are at stake, just as they were in the Second World War.”
Professor Joseph Stiglitz, Economist, recipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences
“Based on sober scientific analysis, we are deeply within a climate emergency state but people are not aware of it.”
Professor Hans Schellnhuber, Founding Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
“There is sufficient evidence to draw the most fundamental of conclusions: now is the time to declare a state of planetary emergency. The point is not to admit defeat, but to match the risk with the necessary action to protect the global commons for our own future.”
Professor Johan Rockstrom, Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
For more detail please read the following reports:
IPCC Report | IB Master Report
Get Involved
How Can I Help? Come and join one of our zoom workshops where we discuss together what Our Responsibilities are in 2022 and find out more about how you can get involved.
Register in advance for this meeting here.
Sign our petition here (now closed)